An Autumn's Tale (1987)

An Autumn's Tale (1987)

Two Hong Kong immigrants find a new life, and a new love, in this New York-shot romantic drama



Hong Kong
Cantonese, English, Japanese
Drama, Romance
Brenda Lo, Cherie Chung, Chow Yun-fat
98 min


Okay, but can someone tell me what degree of cousinship Jennifer and Sam share? Because “my aunt’s niece” isn’t really clear enough.

What it's about

After planning to go to New York for college with her boyfriend, Hong Kong native Jennifer Lee moves to the city’s Chinatown. Her streetwise cabbie cousin, Sam Pang, offers to be her guide in the city.

The take

New York, especially in older movies, seems to be an enchanting place with endless possibilities, as long as you’re willing to put in the work. With Hong Kong’s handover to China, it’s no wonder plenty of Hong Kong natives decided to emigrate to the Big Apple. That being said, this experience isn’t always smooth. Mabel Cheung’s An Autumn’s Tale is a fairly simple romance, but it also captures the rough times of the assimilation process of Hong Kongers, the way they have to toughen up to eke out a living, and the joy they manage to hold, even just for a while. And as the young Chow Yun-fat softens his edge to guide the blindsided, sweet Cherie Chung, we can’t help but root for them.

What stands out

Chow Yun-fat is best known for his badass fights in action films, and it works well in An Autumn’s Tale. He’s aggressive and always ready for a fight, but it mostly stems from the hardships Sampan had to face as an immigrant, having to defend himself and his fellow immigrants. It just makes it so satisfying seeing his soft side when Cherie Chung as Jennifer comes along.


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