Irish Wish (2024)

Irish Wish (2024)

Corny but perfectly serviceable romcom comfort food shot in beautiful locations



Ireland, United States of America
Comedy, Fantasy, Romance
Alexander Vlahos, Ayesha Curry, Carl Shaaban
94 min


You know this is pure fantasy when the Cliffs of Moher are made to look like secluded and not swarming with thousands of tourists.

What it's about

Literary editor Maddie makes a wish to marry the successful writer she edits for, with whom she's secretly in love, and wakes up to find herself living that fantasy.

The take

As far as destination romantic comedies go, Irish Wish is at least self-aware enough to commit to its corniness without making its characters too insufferable to follow. For once avoidable misunderstandings don't drive the conflict, as the story progresses as one extended "be careful what you wish for" journey of self-discovery. Still, one can't help but feel like this exact same message could have been told even without the central fantasy plot device—and it probably would have earned its resolutions much more this way. Every move the film makes is predictable, but it definitely still possesses the energy of a group of filmmakers who probably enjoyed their time making it.

What stands out

There's always a chance that Ireland and Irish people might be reduced into quaint stereotypes by an American production, but that thankfully doesn't happen here. The film doesn't exactly showcase Irish culture in a very prominent way either, but it does get to show off the beauty of various Irish landscapes (and one particularly lavish estate). As a movie that's been designed for happy couples' comfort viewing, it does its job in transporting its target audience away from their living rooms for an hour and a half—and sometimes that's all one needs in a movie for an evening.


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