The Very Best
Produced by National Geographic, A Small Light is a ten-part miniseries that tells the incredible true story of Miep Gies (Bel Powley), the Dutch woman who bravely hid her Jewish friends from the Nazis during World War II. Among these friends is her kindly mentor Otto Frank (Liev Schreiber) and his daughter Anne (Billie Boullet), both of whom form a tight bond with Miep.
More than just re-adapting Anne Frank's story to the screen, A Small Light further fleshes it out by introducing other characters in depth and giving surrounding heroes their due. In fact, it's as much about courage as it is about survival as it highlights what it takes to lend a hand (and possibly lose it) when you don't need to. It also helps that this noble message comes with a massive budget and excellent performers, elements that tie everything together in this high-quality series.
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