Hot Fuzz (2007)



France, UK
Action, Comedy, Crime, Mystery
Adam Buxton, Alice Lowe, Anne Reid
121 min

What it's about

Former London constable Nicholas Angel finds it difficult to adapt to his new assignment in the sleepy British village of Sandford. Not only does he miss the excitement of the big city, but he also has a well-meaning oaf for a partner. However, when a series of grisly accidents rocks Sandford, Angel smells something rotten in the idyllic village.

The take

One of the many good movies from director Edgar Wright - if you loved Shaun of the Dead, then this Buddy-Cop Homage will make you double over (and question humanity – or lack, thereof) just as much. Sandford is a small English village with the lowest crime and murder rates, so when overachieving police Nicholas Angel (Simon Pegg) gets sent there because he was so good he intimidated those around him, he just about loses it. From car-chasing, bone-thrilling, head-blowing action, he graduates to swan-calling, thrill-seeking, sleep-inducing madness. But all that’s about to change – for the worse? For the better? You decide. An obscenely funny flick that has an intriguing plot and an even greater set of characters, Hot Fuzz wasn’t named the best film of the Cornetto trilogy for nothing, clearly cementing Pegg and Nick Frost as the ultimate action duo of the genre.


A buddy cop that took a somewhat unexpected turn. Funny, quirky, and somewhat dark as only the Brits can make.

Edgar Wright is my favorite director. When disappointed with the blandness and mediocrity of the modern comedy scene, it’s very uplifting to refer to any of his films. Hot Fuzz is no exception. Both a parody of buddy cop films and murder mysteries, Wright manages not just a hilariously subversive and clever script, but also pulls a number of memorable and fantastically funny performances, namely from the two leads (and Wright’s long time collaborators) Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. Like any other film in the Cornetto Trilogy, this classic boasts lightning quick pace and breakneck editing combined with insanely quotable dialogue and sidesplitting comedy. Definitely worth your time.

Genius showcase of how to spoof and how to do visual comedy (something director Edgar Wright is the master of currently) Hot Fuzz has hilarious performances by Simon Pegg and Nick Frost with the same fantastic chemistry they have in everything they do together. Excellent replay value thanks to hundreds of hidden jokes and no-brainer fun. A must watch for fans of british comedy and interesting directorial styles.

If you’re familiar with Edgar Wright, you will know what to expect from him. For those of you who don’t, you’ll be pleasantly surprised. I personally feel the movie has a slow start but the comedy is good and kept me interested up to the point the plot began to build up. The climax of the story was hilarious and well done, I didn’t see it coming and nowadays, I don’t get to say about a lot of movies.
If you go in expecting lots of actions, you’ll be disappointed (aside from one scene, no spoilers!). This is mostly a comedy/mystery movie and it’s done a very good job at it too. Good humor, a good mystery and good acting by both Simon Pegg and Nick Frost.

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