Monster (2003)



Germany, United States of America
Crime, Drama
Al, Annie Corley, Brett Rice
110 min

What it's about

An emotionally scarred highway drifter shoots a sadistic trick who rapes her, and ultimately becomes America's first female serial killer.

The take

Monster is a biographical depiction of Aileen Wuornos (Charlize Theron), a prostitute and serial killer who murdered seven men in Florida between 1989 and 1990. The film follows the burgeoning relationship between Wuornos and young Selby Wall (Christina Ricci, in a role based on Wuornos' real-life girlfriend Tyria Moore), as she grows increasingly desperate to provide for her young companion financially. Her desperation and her rage against men, brought on by years of both childhood and adult abuse, leads her down a dark path of murder and theft, even as she struggles to shield Selby from the horror of her crimes. The overwhelming highlight of the film is Theron’s mesmerizing performance as Wuornos—a role that won her a well-deserved Academy Award for Best Actress in 2004. She’s almost unrecognizable and altogether phenomenal as the volatile and increasingly unstable Wuornos, whose ferocity is interwoven with surprising affection for young Selby. This unexpected tenderness lends the film an air of tragic poignancy, and provides a bittersweet portrayal of a severely troubled woman. Very much intended for mature audiences only, Monster is a fascinating recreation of a disturbing yet compelling chapter in the annals of true crime in America.




Charlize turns into the character … a troubled soul who had she gotten one break or run into one decent person along the way might have become famous for a different reason… or at least might have survived. This is the saddest story of a serial killer who really wasn’t sadistic or cruel or malicious She truly had reached the limit of what one human being can take and like a charged pent up abused bull just wreaked havoc on the world that kind of deserved it. I couldn’t help it — I just wish she’d had a better lawyer. Or maybe the dream team that OJ had because this woman deserved it.

Charlize Theron is killing it in this movie, literally and figuratively. Phenomenal acting, brilliantly portrayed and those eyes… Similar to Lou’s eyes in Nightcrawler (2014).

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