Conan O'Brien Must Go

Conan O'Brien Must Go

As expected, talk show host Conan O’Brien is sidesplittingly funny in his latest travel show

The Very Best


TV Show

United States of America
Comedy, Documentary
Conan O'Brien


It truly is a blessing in disguise that Conan didn’t nab the late-night spot—while his contemporaries are wilting away behind desks, he’s having the time of his life meeting new people (and taking us with him) around the world.

What it's about

In four episodes, comedian and former late-night talk show host Conan O’Brien travels to Norway, Thailand, Argentina, and Ireland to meet fans who’ve appeared in his podcast, all while getting a taste of their culture along the way.

The take

In an interview, Conan compared Conan O’Brien Must Go to a travel documentary, except, he said, you don’t learn anything new or interesting. After watching the show, I can safely say that that couldn’t be further from the truth, though it is indicative of the kind of self-deprecating humor he employs throughout the show. What you learn from watching Conan hop from one country to another, improvising and befriending people from different parts of the world, is that it is possible to be both ridiculously funny and genuinely kind. Many comedians joke at the expense of other people—they’re willing to humiliate them, not themselves—but Conan is the opposite. He is always the butt of a joke. Even when he’s pointing out something inane, it’s his incredulity that we’re laughing at. Upon watching this four-parter, you also learn that no one can match, much less top, what Conan does.

What stands out

It’s hard to steal the spotlight from Conan, but the people he meets in this show come pretty close to it. Particularly memorable is Carl, whose insults are as colorful and creative as they are hurtful.


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