My Life with the Walter Boys

My Life with the Walter Boys



A questionable teen romance drama that has no clue what tone to settle on


TV Show

Canada, United States of America
Comedy, Drama, Romance
Ashby Gentry, Connor Stanhope, Corey Fogelmanis


You can take the fic out of Wattpad, but you can't take the Wattpad out of its Netflix adaptation.

What it's about

After suddenly being left without a family, a 15-year-old girl moves from New York to a town in Colorado to stay with a foster family, where she begins to strike up a potential romance with two of the brothers.

The take

One would hope that, even with a premise like this, My Life with the Walter Boys could have some sort of emotional center to pin everything down, but if the first two episodes watched for this review are any indication, the series is too content playing out as an odd romantic fantasy. It's not even necessarily that this show skirts the grey area of falling for one's foster brothers; it's that all of these romantic feelings sprout up far too abruptly. It doesn't help that the rest of the series that surrounds these cliche moments of teens staring longingly at each other seems to be caught between wanting to be a serious study of grief and a typical fish-out-of-water young adult drama. In either mode the show is dull, and all its production values can't conceal how contrived so much of this story is for no reason.

What stands out

There's a far more vibrant romantic comedy hiding beneath this show, and you can see in the performances by the supporting actors who play Jackie's (Nikki Rodriguez) schoolmates that they want so much to liven up the series with some levity. But the series' generally flat filmmaking won't let them go this route. So we're left with a story that only ever drones on and on with its sentimental moments—while never even trying to address the elephant in the room of what kind of relationship these people actually have with each other and what actually draws the brothers to Jackie in the first place.


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