Nothing to See Here

Nothing to See Here



A blind comedian surpasses the current state of stand-up in this smart Mexican comedy series


TV Show

Alejandro Calva, Alexis Arroyo, Begoña Narváez


Nothing to See Here is definitely something to watch.

What it's about

Growing up blind, Alexis decides to stick out of his parents’ protective bubble and become a comedian in the city with his best friend Charlie, who has cerebral palsy.

The take

When a comedy is centered around people with disabilities, there’s a worry that the humor would be unfunny or demeaning – there’s a misconception that disabled jokes would surely have to be one or the other. But Nothing to See Here is funny without relying on stereotypes. The humor isn’t based on forced quips or halfhearted improvisations. It’s just part and parcel of a story about chasing dreams, seeking independence, and keeping faith in one’s self despite the limitations imposed by others. And through showrunners Big Drama and Santiago Limon, as well as the well-selected cast, it’s hilarious and heartfelt enough to follow.

What stands out

Of course, with the comedian main character, Nothing to See Here has to have decent comedy. Thankfully, the show’s humor is funny, but it’s funny without being demeaning, and better, the show immediately pokes fun at abled comedians, using unfunny stereotypes of the disabled as a crutch. It pokes fun at the way limits are placed by abled people, even the well-meaning ones, that are sometimes even more limiting than the disability itself. Immediately, the humor stands out from other comedy shows, because a show centered on disability that happens to focus on comedy rather than other genres is rare. But it’s great that showrunners Big Drama and Santiago Limon took this as an opportunity, as they’re able to handle the humor with the brilliance and sensitivity it requires.


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