The Thundermans Return (2024)

The Thundermans Return (2024)

Just about what you'd expect from a cheap, corny superhero sitcom movie aimed at kids



United States of America
Action, Action & Adventure, Comedy, Family
Adam Kulbersh, Addison Riecke, Anushka Rani
70 min


A piece of your soul dies every time you hear canned laughter from a studio audience that isn't really there.

What it's about

Superhero family the Thundermans must decide between adjusting to life as regular citizens or redeeming their reputation after a failed mission cost them their jobs of protecting the city.

The take

Though it'll likely have more to offer for those who enjoyed the original Nickelodeon series that ran from 2014 to 2018, The Thundermans Return still does mournfully little with its feature length. There are some promising ideas here relating to what one's responsibility should be as members of a family, but any heart in the story is buried underneath weak attempts at action and painfully stilted humor—which is only made worse by the laugh track running through much of the film. Even in the oversaturated arena of American superhero movies, this one doesn't have relatable enough characters for teenagers and older kids to relate to, nor does it have enough mindless, poorly shot action for the younger kids.

What stands out

For a brief moment, a slightly more interesting angle is introduced in the film: a rival superhero family who end up taking the Thundermans' place is eventually depicted to be not quite as perfect as they seem. This unexpected conflict within this group of characters ultimately feels like it could've been the focus of a much more compelling movie. In comparison, the Thundermans' disagreements with each other feel totally inconsequential, and don't lead to any meaningful confrontations or moments of earned resolution. The film believes perhaps too much in its heroes, and forgets to make them three-dimensional.


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