This Is Me…Now (2024)

This Is Me…Now (2024)

JLo’s musical film is an ambitious labor of love, but it lacks the technical flair to realize its full vision



United States of America
Drama, Music
Alex West, Alexander Pelaez, Alix Angelis
66 min


If I had a dream blunt rotation, it would be Jennifer Lopez’s Zodiac Council.

What it's about

In this personal confessional, Jennifer Lopez chronicles her life through dreamlike sequences played against songs off her latest album.

The take

This is Me…Now is more than just a glorified music video. It’s a personal confessional for one, and a surprisingly effective comedy for another. In parts, Jennifer Lopez speaks to her therapist (Fat Joe) about the dreams she’s been having, which then give way to surreal sequences of Lopez singing songs off her latest album, all about love and personal growth. You’d have to be a fan of Lopez’s pop style to appreciate the music, but the choreography is mesmerizing and, dare I say, Lopez’s true strength. When she’s not regaling us with her thoughts on love, we have the Council of Zodiac Signs, played by a stacked cast that includes Jane Fonda, Sofia Vergara, and Trevor Noah, to humor us with their genuinely funny observations. Lopez obviously has a vision, and it’s admirably big and earnest, but the technical side of the film fails her. Except for the ornate storybook opener, most of the dream sequences are gray and sludgy, and they rarely reflect Lopez’s rose-tinted view of life. I wish the film had more light, but instead, we get melty, inferior CGI work that is just painful to look at. Some people might be able to forgive this, but because film is largely a visual medium, I find that it ultimately detracts from the experience.

What stands out

I want to say the choreography ("Broken Like Me” is my favorite) but I can’t stop thinking about how strong of an actor Lopez is. She’s giving comedy, romance, drama, and art all in one sitting, and she deserves high praise for that.


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