Unfrosted (2024)

Unfrosted (2024)



A fun but ultimately too-childish romp about the discovery of the Pop-Tart



United States of America
English, Italian
Comedy, History
Adrian Martinez, Alex Edelman, Ali Wentworth
97 min


Comedy nerds will have too much fun pinpointing who’s who’s in this star-studded cast, maybe more than watching the film itself.

What it's about

In 1963, cereal giants Post and Kellogs embark on a competitive race to make the country’s first toaster pastry.

The take

Unfrosted is the kind of bonkers treat filled with movie references, physical gags, and too-many-to-count stars that’s easy to sink your teeth into and enjoy for what it is—in the beginning, that is. It’s helped by snappy visuals and a colorfully accurate rendering of the ‘60s too. But then it wears you down with the same jokes and flimsy story, until eventually, you can’t help but ask: are you really dedicating an hour and a half of your life to watching *check notes* a Pop Tart get made? The filmmakers don’t make it any deeper than that sounds, sadly, even though there’s more drama and flavor involved in the real-life competition between Post and Kellogs. I’m not saying Unfrosted is a bad film—to be honest, I laughed out loud in many parts—just that you won’t be able to get over how overbudgeted and ultimately hollow it is.

What stands out

I can never hate anything graced by the presence of the comedic genius that is Melissa McCarthy. She could just smile and she’d still find a way to make it look hilarious. Also, not to spoil anything, but that one cameo by a TV show set in the same period almost makes this movie worthwhile. Almost.


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