Nathan Bratt should have looked into blessing his newly acquired house in some way. Maybe all the ways. Douse the house in holy water, or something.
Based on the classic teen series by R. L. Stine, the latest adaptation of Goosebumps is now a modern-day TV series. However, it’s not an anthology like the show in the 90s, it’s a series set in one town, focused on a group of teenagers, dealing with various horror elements from the books. Each episode gets its title, as well as their supernatural MacGuffin, from the corresponding novellas, though with a modern twist, with some online trolling and posted pranks. Fans of the original 90s may find this format disappointing, but it’s still a fun and spooky ride, especially for younger viewers new to Goosebumps.
The new Goosebumps series may not be an anthology, which disappointed some viewers who were fans of the varied, multi-story approach of the original. The series doesn’t even play up on the nostalgia, replacing the 90s theme song and aesthetics with Gen Z music and styling. That being said, each episode of Goosebumps still feels fairly self-contained, with the episodes released so far. The first five episodes, all released at the same time, are all centered around each of the five teenagers in the Halloween Party that doomed them all, each of them switching hands at being the protagonist. It would be interesting to see how it all comes together in the next episode, which would likely introduce Harold Biddle and the upcoming antagonist, but so far, this structure allows us to get to know the five protagonists more personally, and makes us care whether they would be able to survive what’s coming next.
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