System Crasher (2019)

System Crasher (2019)

A tale of trauma and one of the most talked about movies on Netflix in 2020.

The Very Best



English, German
Albrecht Schuch, Axel Werner, Barbara Philipp
118 min

What it's about

Wherever 9-year-old Benni ends up, she is expelled. She has become what child protection services call a “system crasher.” But she is not looking to change her ways, and has one goal: go back home to her mother. When anger management trainer Micha is hired to help, suddenly there is hope.

The take

While quite testing for viewers, this is one of the craziest, most high-energy movies you'll ever watch. In this incredible German drama, child actor Helena Zengel plays Bernadette aka Benni, a traumatized 9-year-old child who tends to lash out and has been repeatedly suspended from every school she went to. Benni is a so-called “Systemsprenger” (which is the original German title). A system crasher is a child so uncontrollable and aggressive that, over time, she falls through the grid of special schools, foster care, and social work facilities. Despite the best efforts of her designated social worker, Frau Bafané, played by Gabriela Maria Schmeide, she is turned down by everyone, testing the patience of her surroundings, wherever she goes. A trip with Micha (Albrecht Schuch), a tough boxer and anger-management trainer, turns out to be the last resort. Directed by Nora Fingscheidt, System Crasher is intense, punky, and wild with an almost eerie sense of authenticity. Its devastating effect is helped along by its unique, hyperactive camerawork. Much like the social workers themselves, you might have a hard time keeping professional distance to all this. This intense drama will stay with you for a long time.


You don’t watch this as much as endure it. The ending made me angry at having been tricked at watching the movie. It was really not good.

Great movie ❤️ you will live the whole experience as if you are there – I was angry, then concerned then loving then angry again, sometimes I was upset and other times I believed she had changed and was cured. I felt sorry for her relatives then sorry for her as a victim of herself …. such a touching movie, closely resembles the great Canadian film Mommy.

The worst movie ever,
A complete waste of time.
I never have seen such a disappointing movie.

Amazing acting, and oh how heartbreaking! Keep the volume low, her screams pierce the ears.

Actor Helena Zengel gives a very convincing oscar worthy performance. Knowing a “system crasher” myself and growing up with him this movie provides a true to life picture of what they are like and what happens. It does not lie with a quaint ending, but tells the truth, funny at times, but sad to sit through. It is much more appreciated after watching and reflecting upon it.

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