Isabella Endrinal

We all know that remaining unmarried when middle-aged doesn’t mean one is lacking, but even when we can acknowledge how dated this idea is, for women, there’s still the societal pressure, the loneliness, and the feeling of having missed an opportunity to have children. Blackbird Blackbird Blackberry is centered on one such middle-aged woman living in a small town in Georgia, and she has a fairly peaceful life… until she nearly dies and shortly forms an attraction to another man. Director and co-writer Elene Naveriani takes her time to delve deep into Etero’s story, the complicated grief she has towards the men that have raised her, as well as the spite towards the arbitrary goals other women have reached and made fun of her for. The journey does take a rather slow burn, but it’s wonderful to see a film so empathetic and nuanced about this dilemma, and free from the judgment many women have encountered on this topic.

1. You can watch Blackbird Blackbird Blackberry (2023) on MUBI

 $10.99 per month
Free Trial:
 30 days
Device availability:
 Amazon Fire TV, Android, Android TV, Apple TV, iOS, LG TV, Roku, Samsung TV, Shareplay supported

Mubi is a movie-streaming service featuring a curated selection of 30 movies on a daily rotation, as well as a large library of movies from previous rotations. The subscription costs $10.99 per month or $95.88 for an annual subscription. If you just want to browse the database before paying up front, you can sign up for a free account for access. Mubi has a Now Showing section, with the newest entries to the library on a given day (the library is updated daily), and a Library section featuring a back-catalog of other highlights and previously “showing” movies. You may see a section called ‘Live’ for live broadcasts once in a while. Aside from the options to stream via web browser, Mubi also has mobile apps for Android and iOS, media streaming devices (Apple TV, Chromecast, Fire TV, and Roku), and you can subscribe to Mubi as a Prime Video channel. While Mubi is not available on the Xbox One, you can access the service on a PlayStation 4 console.

Is Blackbird Blackbird Blackberry (2023) available on netflix

No Blackbird Blackbird Blackberry (2023) is not currently streaming on netflix

Is Blackbird Blackbird Blackberry (2023) available on amazon prime
amazon prime

No Blackbird Blackbird Blackberry (2023) is not currently streaming on amazon prime

No Blackbird Blackbird Blackberry (2023) is not currently streaming on hulu

Is Blackbird Blackbird Blackberry (2023) available on paramount plus
paramount plus

No Blackbird Blackbird Blackberry (2023) is not currently streaming on paramount plus

Is Blackbird Blackbird Blackberry (2023) available on disneyplus

No Blackbird Blackbird Blackberry (2023) is not currently streaming on disneyplus

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