How to watch 

Bruiser (2022)

Bruiser (2022)
The Staff

As a story, Bruiser isn’t the most tightly written thing in the world, with a somewhat long-winded first half and a conclusion that feels too easy given the complicated things we learn about each character. But at its core, it remains impressively perceptive about how men perform their masculinity as a game of aggression and dominance—even if they feel that they’re simply trying to protect the children closest to them. Bruise takes on quite a bit of suspense for a drama, as tempers slowly boil over and everybody involved in this supposed battle over who claims authority over a teenage boy reveals themselves to be right and wrong in equal measure.

1. You can watch Bruiser (2022) on HULU

 $7.99 per month
Free Trial:
 30 days
Device availability:
 Airplay supported, Amazon Fire TV, Android, Android TV, Apple TV, Chromecast, iOS, LG TV, Nintendo Switch, Roku, Roku TV, Samsung TV, Shareplay supported, Xbox

Hulu is an on-demand service that is currently only available in US territories. You can get access to Hulu’s on-demand content library for $7.99 a month with commercials, and $14.99 without. There’s also an option to pay for an annual subscription starting at $79.99.

Is Bruiser (2022) available on netflix

No Bruiser (2022) is not currently streaming on netflix

Is Bruiser (2022) available on amazon prime
amazon prime

No Bruiser (2022) is not currently streaming on amazon prime

Is Bruiser (2022) available on hulu

Yes Bruiser (2022) is available on hulu. You can watch it here

Is Bruiser (2022) available on paramount plus
paramount plus

No Bruiser (2022) is not currently streaming on paramount plus

Is Bruiser (2022) available on disneyplus

No Bruiser (2022) is not currently streaming on disneyplus

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