How to watch 

Dogleg (2023)

Dogleg (2023)
Isabella Endrinal

Dogleg is quite an unusual debut. For starters, the film doesn’t take one straightforward narrative– it shifts into various side stories, from a search for a fiancée’s dog conducted via hoverboard, to a period blood spell casted on a Colorado farm, to a crew member being approached rather strangely by two women, to Al’s disastrous shoot, with each section led by a different lead. It is also certainly strange to insert commentary about the film within the film itself, with the lead, and writer-director Al Warren doing the commenting. But this metanarrative is certainly interesting, and funny, and takes unexpected, remarkable turns for a debut feature.

1. You can watch Dogleg (2023) on MUBI

 $10.99 per month
Free Trial:
 30 days
Device availability:
 Amazon Fire TV, Android, Android TV, Apple TV, iOS, LG TV, Roku, Samsung TV, Shareplay supported

Mubi is a movie-streaming service featuring a curated selection of 30 movies on a daily rotation, as well as a large library of movies from previous rotations. The subscription costs $10.99 per month or $95.88 for an annual subscription. If you just want to browse the database before paying up front, you can sign up for a free account for access. Mubi has a Now Showing section, with the newest entries to the library on a given day (the library is updated daily), and a Library section featuring a back-catalog of other highlights and previously “showing” movies. You may see a section called ‘Live’ for live broadcasts once in a while. Aside from the options to stream via web browser, Mubi also has mobile apps for Android and iOS, media streaming devices (Apple TV, Chromecast, Fire TV, and Roku), and you can subscribe to Mubi as a Prime Video channel. While Mubi is not available on the Xbox One, you can access the service on a PlayStation 4 console.

Is Dogleg (2023) available on netflix

No Dogleg (2023) is not currently streaming on netflix

Is Dogleg (2023) available on amazon prime
amazon prime

No Dogleg (2023) is not currently streaming on amazon prime

Is Dogleg (2023) available on hulu

No Dogleg (2023) is not currently streaming on hulu

Is Dogleg (2023) available on paramount plus
paramount plus

No Dogleg (2023) is not currently streaming on paramount plus

Is Dogleg (2023) available on disneyplus

No Dogleg (2023) is not currently streaming on disneyplus

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