How to watch 

The Changeling

The Changeling
Isabella Endrinal

With its first episode, The Changeling might feel less scary and more romantic and historical than how a horror fantasy would seem like. The series shifts in and out of flashbacks, sometimes even having a flashback within a flashback, with dreamlike sequences that makes it take a while to figure out when and where the story is taking place. This causes the series to have some unusual pacing that might turn off viewers wanting a quick scare. But there’s a certain mystery to it, a certain anxiety captured as Apollo and Emmy disobey the Brazilian witch, as it recalls those negligent parents in familiar fantastic fairy tales. And as the series makes their flashbacks, there’s a certain fear that Apollo and Emmy might redo the same mistakes their immigrant parents have done before them. It makes for an intriguing take on the novel by Victor LaValle, one that captures a realistic fear that isn’t easy to depict.

1. You can watch The Changeling on APPLE TV+

 $9.99 per month
Free Trial:
 7 days
Device availability:
 Airplay supported, Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV, iOS, Roku TV, Samsung TV, Shareplay supported

Apple TV+ is an ad-free on-demand stream from Apple that costs $9.99 per month and is accessible in about 150 countries. The Apple TV+ app is accessible via Apple devices (iPhone, iPad, Apple TV or Mac) and Apple TV. While Android phones and tablets are not supported, you can access Apple TV+ via Android-powered TV devices like Chromecast. It can be accessed via web browser and supported by PC, as well as Roku devices, Amazon Fire TV devices, PlayStation, and Xbox.

Is The Changeling available on netflix

No The Changeling is not currently streaming on netflix

Is The Changeling available on amazon prime
amazon prime

No The Changeling is not currently streaming on amazon prime

Is The Changeling available on hulu

No The Changeling is not currently streaming on hulu

Is The Changeling available on paramount plus
paramount plus

No The Changeling is not currently streaming on paramount plus

Is The Changeling available on disneyplus

No The Changeling is not currently streaming on disneyplus

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