3 Best Streaming Services to Watch 

The Happiest Day in the Life of Olli Mäki (2016)

The Happiest Day in the Life of Olli Mäki (2016)
Isabella Endrinal

Most sports biopics are centered around winners– their drive, their spirit, and their determination to beat the competition, and maybe win some glory for their respective teams, hometowns, or countries. The Happiest Day in the Life of Olli Mäki instead focuses on a Finnish boxer that lost a match. Shot in 16mm black and white film stock, writer-director Juho Kuosmanen captures the man, not the legend, in sequences that feel like decades-old memories that draws you into his story, his humble character, and the motivations that drive him, a yearning for love rather than bragging rights, trophies, and nationalistic pride. It’s such a charming twist to the genre, one that recognizes a different kind of masculinity. While Mäki might not be the world’s best boxer, this film suggests that he might be one of the happiest, forgoing an important match for a marriage that ended up lasting his lifetime.

1. You can watch The Happiest Day in the Life of Olli Mäki (2016) on MUBI

 $10.99 per month
Free Trial:
 30 days
Device availability:
 Amazon Fire TV, Android, Android TV, Apple TV, iOS, LG TV, Roku, Samsung TV, Shareplay supported

Mubi is a movie-streaming service featuring a curated selection of 30 movies on a daily rotation, as well as a large library of movies from previous rotations. The subscription costs $10.99 per month or $95.88 for an annual subscription. If you just want to browse the database before paying up front, you can sign up for a free account for access. Mubi has a Now Showing section, with the newest entries to the library on a given day (the library is updated daily), and a Library section featuring a back-catalog of other highlights and previously “showing” movies. You may see a section called ‘Live’ for live broadcasts once in a while. Aside from the options to stream via web browser, Mubi also has mobile apps for Android and iOS, media streaming devices (Apple TV, Chromecast, Fire TV, and Roku), and you can subscribe to Mubi as a Prime Video channel. While Mubi is not available on the Xbox One, you can access the service on a PlayStation 4 console.

2. You can watch The Happiest Day in the Life of Olli Mäki (2016) on ITUNES

Device availability:
 Android TV, Apple TV, iOS, Windows 11

iTunes is one of the oldest media apps currently in use. While many people know it as a music player, iTunes has since evolved to offer digital movies and TV shows for rent or sale. The bigger and newer releases can cost up to $20 to purchase, but iTunes also has past hits, modern classics, award-winning pictures, and even local films you can rent for as low as $2. Purchased films and TV shows are available for as long as the studio allows them to be, but rentals are a different story. Once you’ve rented a particular title, you have up to 30 days to start watching it. And after you start watching it, you’ll then have 48 hours before it expires. iTunes comes pre-installed on Apple devices, but it’s also available on Windows PCs and Android Smart TVs.

3. You can watch The Happiest Day in the Life of Olli Mäki (2016) on VUDU

Device availability:
 Amazon Fire TV, Android, Chromecast, iOS, LG Smart TV, Playsation, Roku, Samsung Smart TV, TiVo, Vizio, Xbox, Xfinity Flex

Vudu is an on-demand streaming service that allows users to rent or purchase more than 200,000 new releases. Founded in 2007, it’s one of the first companies to offer digital films in HD. Vudu’s main strength is its ease of access and jam-packed catalog of movies and TV shows, but it also boasts free content, which they run on ads. In 2020, media and ticketing firm Fandango acquired Vudu and merged both companies’ streamers into one. They decided to keep the Vudu name because of its large and loyal customer base. 

No The Happiest Day in the Life of Olli Mäki (2016) is not currently streaming on netflix

No The Happiest Day in the Life of Olli Mäki (2016) is not currently streaming on amazon prime

No The Happiest Day in the Life of Olli Mäki (2016) is not currently streaming on hulu

Is The Happiest Day in the Life of Olli Mäki (2016) available on paramount plus
paramount plus

No The Happiest Day in the Life of Olli Mäki (2016) is not currently streaming on paramount plus

No The Happiest Day in the Life of Olli Mäki (2016) is not currently streaming on disneyplus

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