This Canadian drama produced by Clint Eastwood is based on the true story of Saul Indian Horse, a famous indigenous hockey player who survived Canada’s residential school system. As recently as 1996, indigenous children were taken away from their families to attend brutal assimilation boarding schools.
Indian Horse, by virtue of being based on true events, is not an against-all-odds story. The main character goes through a series of ups and downs between the 70s and 90s, when the movie is set, which reflect the recent history of abuse that Indigenous communities suffered in Canada.
Sad but good movie. Made me hate the church even more and makes me wonder if the first nations can ever have any kind of normal life. Whatever normal is …
An excellent and troubling film. Also, not necessarily based on a singular true story, but on Richard Wagamese’s interviews with multiple residential school survivors. The film is actually based on the novel, also titled, “Indian Horse.”
I really disliked this movie.
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