Hospital Playlist is a heartwarming and engaging South Korean series that follows the lives and friendships of five doctors who work at the same hospital. With its perfect blend of drama, humor, and genuine moments, the show offers an intimate and realistic portrayal of the challenges and joys faced by medical professionals. The characters are beautifully developed, and their personal stories are both relatable and deeply moving. The series strikes a balance between medical cases and the characters' personal lives, creating a captivating narrative that keeps you invested from beginning to end. A must-watch for its heartfelt storytelling and compelling ensemble cast.
A level of attention to aesthetics usually reserved for the most elaborate films, mixed with a complex and relevant story, make this series from Turkey unmatched in its quality
A psychological thriller that provides insight on what drove so many young people to ISIS.
Black Doves
A tale of espionage, romance, and friendship all tied in a neat bow, just in time for Christmas
Norway's most expensive show ever is a timely thrill ride with a grim geopolitical premise.
Pretend it’s a City
A wildly entertaining series of interviews with a New York legend
A well-acted fact-based thriller about untangling the grip of a close-knit community
Escape at Dannemora
Based on a true prison escape story, this slow-burn suspense thriller features once-in-a-lifetime performances by a star-studded cast
Say Nothing
A powerful take on the Northern Ireland conflict that smartly shows all sides
The Pitt
A difficult, intense, but immensely gripping watch, The Pitt shines a light on the critical work done by the hospital ER team
Critics lauded the angle and feminist edge of this grim true crime miniseries.