Okay, so if you take Body Double, without the body double, and replace the main character with a hacker-voyeur, and add telenovela-esque family drama, this is that show.
Released earlier in 2023, Lady Voyeur is reminiscent of those 80s-90s erotic thrillers that you or your parents weren’t allowed to watch, albeit with a modern hacking subplot. The Brazilian Netflix mini-series balances its erotic and its thriller sides– with Eros ruling the consensual scenes, and fear powering the mystery of Prado-Couto families. Relying on mirrors, CCTV cameras, and window reflections, the show follows the titular protagonist Miranda, seeing and being seen, as she gets roped into a conspiracy against her fling’s best friend and hotel conglomerate. It’s an interesting watch, though it lacks a tighter resolution to all its plotlines.
For those who hate gratuitous sex scenes, this show is not for you. Lady Voyeur has so many sex scenes, though of course, that’s expected from the show’s premise. That being said, the sex scenes are so well-directed, it’s undeniably more tasteful than softcore porn. Consensual sex is portrayed with much more steam than non-consensual violence, and the line between the two can be felt by the show’s shifts in moods. More feeling is suggested through shots of dripping honey, iced fingers, and exposed clavicles. And the show’s reliance on mirrors, windows, and limited framing from CCTV is maximized to reflect the show’s themes of seeing versus being seen. Shots like these show a certain mastery from the cinematography team Julia Equi and Hugo Takeuchi, in using images as subtext.
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