Praise Petey

Praise Petey

An cult-themed adult animation that could benefit from leaning into the darker side


TV Show

United States of America
Animation, Comedy
Amy Hill, Annie Murphy, Christine Baranski


Can you actually leave a cult in a will? Just asking.

What it's about

A New York City "it" girl inherits a backwoods cult from her estranged father and must decide whether to dismantle it or lead it.

The take

In its two-episode premiere, Praise Petey uses a lot of straightforward dialogue, on-the-nose jokes, and visual gags that work in its favor as "it girl" Petey becomes more acquainted with her inherited cult. Everything still feels at arm's length for Petey even though we, the audience, are aware of the nefarious activities behind the scenes. Although it's slated as a comedy, Praise Petey doesn't land any real LOL moments and would benefit from leaning into its mystery elements more, given that a "city girl" spontaneously running a cult is funny on its own. Visually, it is as simple as adult animation can get, and one can only hope that the substance (with a tonal shift) can last the entire first season.

What stands out

As outlandish as they are, the cult members make the show, with or without Petey present. Following them means following a human Shih Tzu that warms feet, three wives that only make food and listen, and the regular blood sacrifice of a mildly famous actor. The character Eliza, in particular, stands out as Petey dubs them immediate best friends without knowing that Eliza is her father's ex-wife. While the other cult members follow with blind loyalty, Eliza seems to have a mind of her own even as she feels comfortable in the cult. Hopefully the series fleshes out her backstory, if anything, to help fill out Petey's shallow characterization.


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