This was so intriguing to watch!
Also known as Rabo de Peixe, after the real town where the series is based, Turn of the Tide follows a group of four friends, who dream of a life outside their hometown, where nothing ever happens. Except, something does finally happen, and it’s whole packs of cocaine washing up on the island’s shores. It’s a wild series, one where the show’s teen underdogs take advantage of sailing expertise and knowledge of the town in order to sell out one third of the stash from the mainland Italian mafia. And it’s one that is endlessly entertaining, as we hope for the four teenagers to succeed in their plan, and to escape for another life.
The real story behind the series happened in 2001, when the sailboat Sun Kiss 47 sank off the Azorean coast. With this in mind, Turn of the Tide takes on early 2000s style, with fitting costumes and classic rock tracks from the era. But it’s not only the style that’s incorporated here. There’s the slightly irreverent punk attitude at the start of the series, as the kids deal with their poverty with apathy, with a disbelief in higher authorities, and in the possibility of change in their hometown. It helps make it easier to root for the four kids, knowing the state that they started out with.
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