This film is a crafty work from Dardenne brothers. It tells a story within a constrained amount of time, and does so very effectively. The film is not just revolving around a character who is having a hard time explaining herself and some of her deficiencies that rise from her world-weariness, but also emphasize how empathy should be felt for people like us even in the immediate consequences, by standing up for one like us might mean jeopardizing our personal bottom line. We all need help in difficult times and this story is enlightening in the way it approaches human nature (or hypocrisy) as well as personal sacrifice. Seeing Cotillard’s character try to knock as many doors as possible before it is too late and each time have to relive the hurtful, ptsd-inducing facts of the situation she is in is truly jarring. I highly recommend this film.
Painfully accurate insight into depression. Amazing perfomance from Marion Cotillard.
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